fort knox

President George Bush has, recently, reported to have called Harry for an emergency consultancy session. He wants to ‘convince’ his people that sending in more troops to fight the evil shadow in Iraq is good for his country. However, in a recent poll, the people are very much against that edict, and have rejected in outright.

It was reported that he is seeking ways to ‘win’ the public and who knows more about media manipulation and populace coercion than Harry. President Bush wanted to know his secret of thumbing his people around like puppets without mass any protests and how to turn in a sure win campaign.

“Very simple, first you proclaim that the economy is booming but it will not last long with the threat of evil shadows.. then you give them some ang baos saying that it is the fruits of oil that you have gain.. then you gobuy the newspaper or better buy over PNN and control it, just like how i direct the straight times, once he break their backbone you can make them print anything..easy mah”

[ it is not known if dear leader did say ‘mah’ because it goes directly against his policy of supplicating to foreign standards while refusing to acknowledge the local idiosyncrasies]

Gaining the wisdom, President Bush was thrilled at having received such an insight. “Harry is truly refeared by his people, they should make him President for life!”


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